
网络犯罪正变得越来越普遍,这可能会给企业和个人带来损失 $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. 去年,美国报告了1000多起数据泄露事件.S., and data leaks impacted more than 155.8 million people

银行和信用合作社等金融机构越来越频繁地成为网络犯罪的受害者. In 2019, more than 100 million Capital One accounts in Canada and the U.S. were exposed,对小企业和个人都有影响. 这次泄露暴露了数亿用户的个人和财务信息, such as their names, birthdates, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, email addresses, credit scores, balances, and mailing addresses.

JPMorgan Chase also experienced a data breach of up to 83 million accounts in 2014, exposing customers’ names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. In 2019, 62% of leaked data happened within the financial services industry. 更令人担忧的是,传统的杀毒软件和防火墙 aren’t always 100% secure.

尽管90%的互联网用户担心他们的密码被盗, 统计数据显示,许多人没有采取足够的措施来保护他们的安全.

  • 超过一半的人使用他们已经记住的密码.
  • 51%的互联网用户使用相同的密码来保护他们的工作和个人账户.
  • 大约有2300万人使用密码“123456”. 
  • 三分之一的数据泄露受害者停止了与负责泄漏的组织或网站的业务往来. 
  • 密码的平均长度不超过8个字符.

随着越来越多的消费者转向手机和网上银行, 无意中将个人财务数据置于不法之徒手中的可能性变得更高. Around 196.8 million Americans will use digital banking in 2021. 消费者如何保护他们的个人和财务信息? Creating complex passwords can help.


Think of your password as the first line of defense against cybercrime. Yes, it may be easier to use a short, simple password that’s easy to remember, but doing so can be risky. 使用包含数字组合的较长短语, letters, 特殊字符提高了网上银行的安全性, making your data less vulnerable to hackers. 

1. Use phrases that are easy to remember.

不要把一个或两个较短的单词组合在一起,用 phrases 或者包含字母、数字和符号的短句. 不要包括你的姓或名或任何容易猜到的词(比如你的街道名称), high school mascot, or favorite sports team). 

For example, instead of using “Pizza123” as your password, use the phrase, “I really love pepperoni pizza,” or “Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food.” 

2. 实现字母、数字和符号的组合.

For an even more effective password, 用外观相似的字符或数字替换某些字母, such as “A” and “@” or “L” and “1.”

与其说“我真的很喜欢意大利辣披萨”,不如说“1R3allyL0v3P3pp30n1P1zz@”.” The phrase is easy to remember, 但数字和特殊字符使密码更加复杂,不易受到网络罪犯的攻击. 

3. Test your password.

Helpful websites like Dashlane.com and passwordmeter.com 可以帮助您生成独特的密码,将有效对抗在线黑客. 如果您担心创建的密码可能太难记住或必须定期更新密码, consider using a password vault like LastPass.

4. Change your password.

While cybersecurity experts disagree 你应该多久换一次密码, 这样做无疑将有助于进一步保护您的网上银行账户. Depending on its strength, 每3-6个月更换一次密码, and it should always be changed if it’s part of a recent data leak. 



1. Use multifactor authentication. 

Make sure that your credit union or bank offers members two- or multifactor authentication 选项,为您的网上银行帐户提供额外的保护. Multifactor authentication varies; it could include questions that only a specific person would know or a code sent to your email address or phone number. 

使用包含不同字母的强密码, numbers, 和特殊字符,而不是提供您的银行网站上的问题的答案, 比如“你长大的那条街叫什么名字??” or “Where do you want to retire?” 

2. Monitor your online banking accounts.

登录你的网上银行账户,监督你的信用卡和借记卡交易,将有助于识别欺诈性收费或取款. Check these accounts a few times a week.

3. Take action if you spot suspicious activity.

如果你认为你的财务信息被泄露了, 尽快联系你的银行或信用合作社. 这样做会对你的网上银行账户发出警告,并冻结你的信用卡或借记卡. Financial organizations such as Texas Tech Credit Union 允许会员在应用程序或网站上方便地报告未经授权的金融活动. 

使用强密码保护您的网上银行数据可以帮助保护您的帐户. 银行和信用合作社也必须有先进的安全协议来保护客户. Sign up for an account today 了解我们如何保护会员的财务信息.